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We helped South Africa’s premier food brand in leveraging category innovation as a catalyst for brand growth, aiding in the generation and refinement of concepts for product development.


Brand was experiencing a decline in market share in a highly competitive market and category. Justifying a premium price point in an increasing price sensitive market was a key challenge so there was a need for greater innovation to ensure sustainable growth


The emotive needs that cooking fulfils helped understand behaviours and drivers of purchase as well as pain-points with the category. Understanding product choice per occasion, the role it plays and what it competes with highlighted where opportunities for product innovation lay. Relevant themes were identified to help guide


A qualitative co-creation methodology was used. This facilitated the generation of new areas of traction and allowed us to assess which of the new ideas triggered greater interest, relevance and potential adoption. A second phase of concept testing with those with the most potential was conducted. An iterative approach was taken to allow for refinement and optimisation

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Brand was able to identify areas where innovation would have the most impact. Final concepts were generated that could be taken into product development.