We get that smart research means asking the right questions.

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What if you don’t know what you don’t know?

Our super-power is knowing what questions to ask you, so that we find deeper insights together.

At KLA, we have the contextual understanding, foundational knowhow and design-analytics-interpretation skill to help you solve your problems, whether you need:

  • Consumer insights, category and market audits and understanding
  • Market segmentation and profiling
  • Idea generation and needs analysis
  • Innovation and product development
  • Pack, product, brand and communication evaluation
  • Brand health measurement and tracking
  • Marketing mix/touchpoint understanding

To deliver these solutions, we use digital, traditional (including ethnographic), panel-based and global-insight-based methodologies.

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Research Dimensions

We operate across multiple research dimensions: qualitative and quantitative, live and asynchronous, ad hoc and tracked, primary and secondary data collection, in-person and live-streamed client participation.

Want to get a sense of how we do it?

How we do it?

  • Focus groups – traditional, digital, super-groups, in-person, triads, dynamic groups, friendship pairs
  • Agile and quick-response – mobile chats, chat labs, polls
  • In-depth interviews – online, in-person, telephonic
  • Immersions and ethnography
  • Surveys – Computer-Aided Telephonic Interviewing, Computer-Aided Personal Interviewing, online, mobile, panel
  • Product placements and testing – In-Home Usage Testing, Central Location Testing
  • Online Insight Communities/Market Research Online Communities
  • Intercepts - in-store, digital
  • Mystery shopping and on-site observations
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in collaboration with our partners, KLA is known for solutions in the form of:

  • Daily public brand perception tracking (YouGov BrandIndex)
  • Consumer profiling (YouGov Profiles)
  • Storytelling and micro-narrative (SenseMaker ®)
  • Market contact audits (MCA)
  • Access to KLA panel (YourView)
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